Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A few more GizmoDuck shots

These shots were taken just before the SteamPop gallery show, and I had added the smoke exhaust.

Link for Game On! at 1AM gallery addition!

After showing a friend the Link micro-munny, she asked "where's Navi?"
Well, dammit, I had to make Navi. So it's just a little addition to the toy but I like it!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Link micro Munny for 1AM gallery - Game On!

Had to work on him quick but he's finished. Link from my favorite game series, Legend of Zelda, for the 1AM gallery in San Francisco. Im really flattered to be asked to join the show!
Their next show, Game On! is all video game inspired and I'm looking forward to seeing what the other artists are doing!