New Dunny Customs! Scathrax the Striped and D'thulu, destroyer of sanity! These were both done as commission work and were a lot of fun. I plan on doing some more dragon dunnys soon, once I finish with another commission in the works...
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
D'Thulu cometh...
Friday, November 11, 2011
And finally, the Red Skull Tribe is done. 3 orcs and 3 goblins, they were a lot of fun to work on. They should all be off to their new home very soon...
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
These 2 guys were my first personal foray into doing custom toys. Based on the Dunny 3" platform, I removed the bunny ears, and added the helmets and ears (where applicable). I received some small attention from these guys and got some commissions lined up to make more like them. They'll have pics posted up very soon - all 6 of them!
Monday, November 07, 2011
Since I don't update my old website, using the blog format might be the only way to go for me to actually keep my work together and hopefully get the word out as well. Look out for some old art to transfer its way over here, as well as new toy and sculpture pieces.